QSO between two Hawaii Stations

SSB contact between a running station (KH6ML) and an operator responding to the CQ (WH6FXV) sounds like this:


Whiskey Hotel Six Foxtrot Xray Victor" (WH6FXV answers, using phonetics)

"WH6FXV 59 WHN" (KH6ML responds with the caller's call sign and gives the required exchange one time. (the exchange is the signal report and AREA for Windward Honolulu county.)

"QSL YOU’RE 59 MAUI" (WH6FXV responds with the signal report and AREA MAU (For Maui). If WH6FXV needs anything repeated, see the following example.

"MAHALO KH6ML QRZ" (Having copied WH6FXV's exchange, KH6ML thanks WH6FXV to complete the QSO, gives the call sign, and says QRZ to indicate that other stations can call. If there is more than one calling station, the QRZ is not needed.)

If WH6FXV needs KH6ML to repeat part of the exchange, the response to KH6ML's information should be:

"KH6ML what is your Area?" (WH6FXV asks KH6ML to repeat the information that wasn't copied the first time.)

"WHN, Whiskey Hotel November" (KH6ML may give the AREA abbreviation both as a word and phonetically since WH6FXV had trouble copying it the first time.)

KH6ML log entry in Cabrillo-3 format

QSO: 7230 PH 2022-08-27 1857 KH6ML 599 WHN WH6FXV 599 MAU

WH6FXV log entry in Cabrillo-3 format

QSO: 7230 PH 2022-08-27 1857 WH6FXV 599 MAU KH6ML 599 WHN

QSO with CA Station

SSB contact between a running station (KH6ML) and an operator responding to the CQ (K2DNY who is in California) sounds like this:

CQ CQ CQ HAWAII QSO PARTY KH6ML, “Kilo Hotel Six Mic Lima"

Kilo Two Delta November Yankee" (K2DNY answers, using phonetics)

"K2DNY 59 WHN" (KH6ML responds with the caller's call sign and gives the required exchange one time. (the exchange is the signal report and AREA.)

"QSL You’re 59 California" (K2DNY responds with the signal report and STATE or province).

"MAHALO KH6ML QRZ" (Having copied K2DNY's exchange, KH6ML thanks K2DNY to complete the QSO, gives the call sign, and says QRZ to indicate that other stations can call. If there is more than one calling station, the QRZ is not needed.)

KH6ML log entry in Cabrillo-3 format

QSO: 7230 PH 2022-08-27 1857 KH6ML 599 WHN K2DNY 599 CA

K2DNY log in Cabrillo-3 format

QSO: 7230 PH 2022-08-27 1857 K2DNY 599 CA KH6ML 599 WHN